A global members club for LGBTQ+ leaders and creators

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Photography by Daniel Seung Lee


**→ **Read our full vision to make web3 fabulous again

**→ **WTF is web3?

Why Serif?

Dance floors and dating apps dominate the history of LGBTQ+ spaces. Within these physical and digital containers, we’re often reduced to short-lived entanglements and impulsive swipes. While these spaces have been integral to our collective solidarity, we’re ready for the next phase of LGBTQ+ community.

We need spaces where we can cultivate a depth of relationship that transcends orientation, age, race, gender, and industry. We need physical and digital places that support whole-person growth while preserving our identity for future generations. We’re starting with a physical flagship location—but that’s just the beginning.

Through web3, the extraordinary powers of our community—and your partnership—we can turn this dream into a reality.

Why NFTS & web3?

On an individual level, NFTs give your membership added value beyond traditional member benefits - you have decision making power and voting rights, and the more you contribute the more you get out of it. On a larger scale, this is an entry point for the queer community to take ownership in the NFT space and the future of web3.