
  1. Set up a crypto wallet (check out Serif’s guide here!)
  2. Make sure you have enough ETH! Buy enough to cover the cost of the NFT plus around $10-20 extra for gas. If you have a MetaMask wallet, you can do this directly in the app. We also made a guide for first-timers buying ETH on Coinbase here.

Minting Your NFT


<aside> 💡 Supported wallets:

We recommend minting on desktop but if you would prefer mobile, please use the Safari browser on your phone 😊

Our most tested wallet connection flows are on desktop with the MetaMask browser extension or Coinbase Wallet browser extension.

We strongly recommend using Chrome as your browser for this process!


  1. Head to

  2. Connect your wallet by clicking (you guessed it) “Connect Wallet”.

    Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 10.41.02 AM.png

  3. Now you have some options depending on which wallet you’re using. We recommend MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet. Please make sure you have the browser extension of the wallet you’re using installed.

Desktop view:

Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 10.50.45 AM.png

Mobile view:


  1. Jump to the wallet you connected with for more specific instructions:


    Coinbase Wallet

Frequently Asked Questions

I clicked on “Proceed to Mint” but nothing is happening!

  1. If you’re on mobile, please switch to desktop. This usually happens when the site is trying to open up the browser extension for your wallet (e.g. MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet) but it can’t find it. Please make sure you have the correct browser extensions installed: